Slovakia has a new president – level 1

12-04-2024 15:00

Slovakia has a new president. Peter Pellegrini wins the election.

Pellegrini has similar ideas to Robert Fico. Fico is Slovakia’s Prime Minister. He is skeptical about the EU. He likes Russian ideas more. Now, both the president and the government have the same ideas. Some people believe that it is good for the country. Ivan Kročok is the other candidate for president. He is afraid that Slovakia will take part in war with Russia.

Pellegrini says that he agrees with the EU. But Slovakia and its people are more important. Some people worry that Slovakia will be more populist, just like Hungary.

Difficult words: election (when people vote for a person in politics), skeptical (when you do not believe that something is true or real), populist (ideas interesting for ordinary people).

You can watch the original video in the Level 3 section.

What are some potential concerns and implications of Slovakia's new president having similar ideas to their Prime Minister and being more focused on the country rather than the EU? How might this impact relations with other countries, particularly with Russia and Hungary?


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