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Studying Mars – level 3

06-12-2018 07:00

Another NASA probe successfully landed on Mars. It took...

Panic in Hawaii – level 3

19-01-2018 15:00

On Saturday, January the 13th, Hawaiians received an emergency...

The Powerful Earthquake in Mexico – level 3

27-09-2017 07:00

At least 245 people, including 21 children, are confirmed...

The Powerful Earthquake in Mexico – level 2

27-09-2017 07:00

At least 245 people, including 21 children, died in...

Karate Against Rape – level 3

09-01-2017 15:00

Myanmar’s long-running ethnic war has seen many people killed,...

Dentist visits an elephant – level 3

13-05-2016 15:00

We’ve all known the pain of a mammoth toothache...

Balloons fly to North Korea – level 3

04-04-2016 15:00

Taking off into the sky, these balloons filled with...

Emergency training in England – level 3

08-03-2016 07:00

Injured and trapped bodies in and amongst rubble, this...

Russian and the West – level 1

19-02-2016 07:00

Russia carries out a military training. The training has...

Russian and the West – level 3

19-02-2016 07:00

A show of force from the Russian Defence Ministry…...