Search Result For health hazard

Gaza has problems with waste – level 3

10-05-2024 07:00

Residents in central Gaza face a critical issue as...

Dirty Rio waters – level 3

22-02-2023 07:00

Guanabara Bay is the backdrop to one of Rio...

Missile System in South Korea – level 2

19-09-2017 07:00

In South Korea, the military is stationing weapons near...

Missile System in South Korea – level 3

19-09-2017 07:00

In Seongju, South Korea, people are upset and protesting...

Rubbish Cruses a Neighbourhood – level 3

25-04-2017 07:00

In Colombo, Sri Lanka, a massive mound of rubbish...

Tobacco children in Indonesia – level 3

07-12-2023 15:00

People estimate that more than 1.5 million children in...

Fire in Indonesia – level 3

05-10-2015 15:00

This was once the home of over 200 orangutans....