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Iranian Army and USA – level 2

15-04-2019 07:00

Last Monday, the USA officially called Iran’s army a...

Iranian Army and USA – level 3

15-04-2019 07:00

The USA designated Iran’s army as a foreign terrorist...

Seven New Planets – level 3

01-03-2017 07:00

NASA and a Belgian-led research team announced the discovery...

Mixed-race woman with leukaemia – level 2

12-02-2016 07:00

In December, a twenty-four-year-old Thai-Italian woman found out that...

Mixed-race woman with leukaemia – level 3

12-02-2016 07:00

Twenty-four-year-old Lara Casalotti was diagnosed with an aggressive form...

Girl with leukaemia – level 3

11-11-2015 07:00

Layla Richards has spent the first year of her...

Fast food restaurant sells a perfume – level 3

07-04-2015 15:00

Burger King restaurants in Japan have released a unisex...

Costa Rica uses clean energy – level 3

01-04-2015 15:00

Could it be the cleanest country in the world?...

The heaviest man dies – level 3

06-06-2014 07:00

A funeral for a record breaker. The world’s heaviest...