Robot in Streets – level 3

10-04-2020 07:00

PGuard is a remotely operated robot that is patrolling the streets of the Tunisian capital, Tunis. Tunisian police have deployed the robot to help them enforce the coronavirus lock down.

The robot is equipped with infrared and thermal imaging cameras, in addition to a sound and light alarm system. It stops suspected lock down violators, and it asks them to show their IDs and papers to prove that they have a valid reason to be outdoors. Lock down restrictions have been in place since March 22. Tunisia has reported more than 500 confirmed cases of infection and 19 deaths from the coronavirus.

The robot is built by a Tunisian company and it has been selling mostly overseas to companies for security uses. Its price is up to $140,000.

Difficult words: deploy (to bring into action), infrared (a kind of radiation that is emitted mostly by heated objects), thermal imaging (a method of measuring a temperature of an object).

You can watch the video news lower on this page.