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Shooting in Munich – level 2

01-08-2016 07:00

In Munich, a gunman did a terrible thing when...

Mass shooting in Florida – level 3

20-06-2016 07:00

This is the terrifying moment a gunman fired shots...

Mass shooting in Florida – level 2

20-06-2016 07:00

A gunman fired shots in a gay night club...

Abortion in Northern Ireland – level 3

31-05-2016 15:00

Three women hand themselves into police in Derry for...

Red tide in Chile – level 3

20-05-2016 15:00

It’s believed to be one of the Chile’s worst...

Red tide in Chile – level 2

20-05-2016 15:00

The “red tide” is a great environmental crisis. In...

ExoMars mission – level 3

24-03-2016 07:00

Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan. A Proton rocket stands ready for...

Breivik at court – level 3

21-03-2016 07:00

Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik raises his right arm...

Virgin Galactic – level 3

26-02-2016 07:00

The shiny new Virgin Galactic has been unveiled. Standing...

Americans are buying more guns – level 3

14-12-2015 15:00

In America, the perceived threat of ISIS has prompted...