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Two Elephants Are Killed – level 3

21-09-2016 07:00

After passing through a tea plantation in Darjeeling, India,...

Two Elephants Are Killed – level 2

21-09-2016 07:00

After passing through a tea plantation in Darjeeling, India,...

Two Elephants Are Killed – level 1

21-09-2016 07:00

This news is from India. Thirty elephants pass through...

Dangerous dentist – level 3

18-03-2016 07:00

This is the dentist French media are calling “the...

Dangerous dentist – level 2

18-03-2016 07:00

In central France last week, a fifty-one-year-old French dentist...

Dangerous dentist – level 1

18-03-2016 07:00

This news is about a dentist. He is from...

Storm hits Fiji – level 3

01-03-2016 07:00

Here can be seen the devastating impact of Cyclone...

Boy’s broken neck – level 3

14-10-2015 15:00

Surgeons in Australia have successfully reattached a toddler’s head...

Pavement generates electricity – level 2

29-05-2015 15:00

People installed kinetic paving slabs around an area in...