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Ukrainian Church Change – level 1

14-01-2019 07:00

Some Christians are Orthodox. The Orthodox Church does not...

Bus–Church in Russia – level 1

26-09-2018 15:00

Russia is a very big country. Some people live...

Bus–Church in Russia – level 2

26-09-2018 15:00

Russia is a very big country and some people...

Bus–Church in Russia – level 3

26-09-2018 15:00

A bus turned into a mobile church brings hop-on...

Church in Rome – level 3

05-09-2018 15:00

The roof of the historical church of San Giuseppe...

Church in Rome – level 1

05-09-2018 15:00

In Rome, there is an accident. The roof of...

Church in Rome – level 2

05-09-2018 15:00

The roof of a historical church in central Rome...

Church Collapses in Nigeria – level 3

19-12-2016 15:00

A church in the town of Uyo in Nigeria...

Church Collapses in Nigeria – level 2

19-12-2016 15:00

Buildings in Nigeria often collapse because people bribe inspectors....

Church Collapses in Nigeria – level 1

19-12-2016 15:00

Buildings in Nigeria often collapse. This happens because the...