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The Holy Year – level 3

07-09-2015 07:00

Until now, women who had abortions were automatically excommunicated...

The Holy Year – level 2

07-09-2015 07:00

Pope Francis is the first non-European pope in 1,300...

The Holy Year – level 1

07-09-2015 07:00

The Catholic Church is traditional. It does not like...

Jules Bianchi dies – level 3

24-07-2015 07:00

Formula One stars and fans gathered at a cathedral...

The Confederate flag in South Carolina – level 3

15-07-2015 15:00

South Carolina has voted to take down the Confederate...

The Confederate flag in South Carolina – level 2

15-07-2015 15:00

The Confederate battle flag is a very controversial banner...

The Confederate flag in South Carolina – level 1

15-07-2015 15:00

This news is from South Carolina in the USA....

Racism in the USA – level 3

25-06-2015 07:00

Barack Obama says the United States has not yet...

The coffin of Miguel de Cervantes – level 2

04-02-2015 15:00

Scientists believe that they found the coffin of Miguel...

The coffin of Miguel de Cervantes – level 1

04-02-2015 15:00

Miguel de Cervantes was a writer. He lived in...