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Cardboard boat – level 3

10-01-2024 15:00

Did you know that it is possible to build...

Gorilla is born by caesarean section – level 3

27-09-2023 15:00

A baby gorilla girl became the first gorilla to...

Smallest Baby – level 1

07-06-19 15:00

A woman is pregnant. Her baby is 23 weeks...

Smallest Baby – level 2

07-06-19 15:00

A woman was pregnant with her baby at 23...

Smallest Baby – level 3

07-06-19 15:00

A woman was pregnant with her baby at 23...

No guns on Facebook – level 3

04-02-2016 15:00

Gun enthusiasts in America may have to work a...

Planes with drugs – level 3

25-08-2015 07:00

If suspected of carrying drugs to smuggle out of...