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Hainan towers – level 3

13-01-2022 07:00

39 buildings in construction have to be demolished. They...

Facebook Moderators Have Problems – level 3

20-05-2020 07:00

Facebook has agreed to pay $52 million to current...

Facebook Employees – level 2

09-04-2020 07:00

On Thursday, Facebook announced that it will hire 10,000...

Facebook Employees – level 3

09-04-2020 07:00

Facebook COO, Sheryl Sandberg, said that the company expects...

Uber vs. New Jersey – level 1

22-11-2019 15:00

The US state of New Jersey is not happy...

Uber vs. New Jersey – level 2

22-11-2019 15:00

The US state of New Jersey says that the...

Uber vs. New Jersey – level 3

22-11-2019 15:00

The US state of New Jersey says that Uber...