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Man with no legs on a mountain – level 3

07-10-2014 15:00

Overcoming the seemingly impossible, as double-leg amputee Chen Zhou...

Man with no legs on a mountain – level 2

07-10-2014 15:00

A 31-year-old man lost both his legs when he...

Scottish referendum – level 3

29-09-2014 07:00

Six people have been arrested in Glasgow after rival...

La Tomatina in Amsterdam – level 3

26-09-2014 15:00

It was a protest that turned a little fruity—throwing...

La Tomatina in Amsterdam – level 2

26-09-2014 15:00

The popular Spanish La Tomatina inspired a few young...

Kitesurfing record – level 3

09-09-2014 15:00

A kitesurfing armada has broken a Guinness World Record...

Robin Williams is dead – level 1

19-08-2014 15:00

Robin Williams was an actor. He was famous. A...

Train almost hits two women – level 3

07-08-2014 15:00

Two Indiana women are lucky to be alive after...

Family with six fingers – level 3

01-07-2014 15:00

Most people in Brazil have their fingers crossed for...

Football fans in Italy – level 3

15-05-2014 07:00

Violent clashes near Rome’s Olympic Stadium delayed the start...