Search Result For ancient

Ancient human tooth – level 1

15-09-2022 07:00

Experts find a very old tooth. The tooth belongs...

Ancient human tooth – level 2

15-09-2022 07:00

Archaeologists in Dmanisi, Georgia, found a very old tooth....

Ancient human tooth – level 3

15-09-2022 07:00

Near Dmanisi, Georgia, archaeologists unearthed a 1.8-million-year-old tooth which...

Ancient Roman Gloves – level 2

27-02-2018 07:00

People found rare Roman gloves in northern England, and...

Ancient Roman Gloves – level 1

27-02-2018 07:00

A long time ago, the Roman Empire is big....

Ancient Roman Gloves – level 3

27-02-2018 07:00

People discovered rare Roman gloves in northern England near...

How old is the Moon? – level 3

27-06-2024 15:00

In 1972, during the Apollo 17 mission, astronauts collected...

World’s largest genome – level 3

06-06-2024 07:00

A fern from New Caledonia now holds the world...

How people built Egypt’s pyramids – level 3

21-05-2024 07:00

Scientists may have solved the mystery of how Egypt’s...

A dam reveals an old town – level 3

07-05-2024 07:00

In the northern Philippines, a long-lasting drought has caused...