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Germany has problems with money – level 3

01-12-2023 07:00

The German government is facing a fiscal crisis due...

iPhone memorial taken down – level 3

06-11-2014 15:00

A memorial to Apple founder Steve Jobs has been...

Police officer laughs after a woman dies – level 3

19-09-2023 07:00

Shocking body cam footage from Seattle Police reveals a...

US companies to make chips – level 3

06-03-2023 15:00

US semiconductor companies that want a piece of the...

Christmas stocking – level 3

22-12-2022 15:00

By popular belief, the Christmas stocking tradition came from...

Chinese wine – level 3

05-11-2021 15:00

China has a major business for wine, especially for...

A Man without Arms and Legs – level 3

22-01-2021 15:00

Youssef Abu Amira is a Palestinian law school graduate...

Airport Attack – level 3

06-01-2021 07:00

An attack at Aden international airport has killed at...

Blind Runner – level 3

27-11-2020 07:00

Thomas Panek is the 49-year-old president and CEO of...

UK Storm – level 3

24-02-2020 07:00

In some areas of the UK, as much as...