Search Result For prescription

Australia bans vaping – level 2

08-05-2023 15:00

Australia is taking strong action against the tobacco industry...

Australia bans vaping – level 3

08-05-2023 15:00

Australia is taking strong action against the tobacco industry...

Dangerous medicine – level 2

27-01-2023 15:00

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than...

Dangerous medicine – level 3

27-01-2023 15:00

After a series of children deaths linked to cough...

Free condoms – level 2

15-12-2022 15:00

On Thursday, French president Emmanuel Macron said that people...

Free condoms – level 3

15-12-2022 15:00

In an effort to reduce the spread of sexually...

Tired Eyes – level 3

06-05-2020 15:00

People are spending more time in front of their...

Unsafe Discount Drugs – level 3

29-11-2019 07:00

Dollar Tree is a discount store that sells products...

Purdue Can Pay – level 3

30-08-2019 07:00

According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), more...

Microsoft and Pharmacy Together – level 3

25-01-2019 07:00

Microsoft and Walgreens, America’s second largest pharmacy store chain,...