Search Result For efforts

Earthquake on Hokkaido – level 3

12-09-2018 07:00

A powerful earthquake hit wide areas of Hokkaido last...

Earthquake on Hokkaido – level 2

12-09-2018 07:00

A powerful earthquake hit Hokkaido last Thursday, which is...

Dam in Laos – level 3

30-07-2018 07:00

In a remote part of Laos, part of an...

Thai Boys Saved – level 3

12-07-2018 07:00

On June 23rd, twelve boys and their football coach...

Volcano of Fire – level 2

08-06-2018 07:00

The Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) in Guatemala...

Volcano of Fire – level 3

08-06-2018 07:00

The Volcán de Fuego (Volcano of Fire) in Guatemala...

Fire in Australia – level 3

24-04-2018 07:00

A fire broke out in bushland southwest of Sydney,...

Whales in Western Australia – level 3

28-03-2018 15:00

A mass beaching of a short finned-pilot whale pod...

Factory in Indonesia – level 3

30-10-2017 15:00

An explosion in a firecracker factory in Indonesia has...

Hurricanes Near America – level 2

11-09-2017 15:00

NASA released images of hurricanes Jose and Irma. NASA...