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Will AI take people’s jobs? – level 2

14-03-2023 15:00

For many years, people worried that one day, robots...

Will AI take people’s jobs? – level 3

14-03-2023 15:00

For decades, people have worried about the rise of...

Philippines oil spill – level 3

13-03-2023 15:00

Volunteers and coastguard personnel tried to clean up a...

Train at Your Door – level 2

02-03-2023 15:00

A train station close to your home would be...

Social media and plastic surgery – level 3

01-03-2023 15:00

The field of plastic surgery is changing dramatically thanks...

Brexit’s cost – level 2

13-02-2023 07:00

Experts predicted that Brexit would have a negative impact...

People drink bleach – level 2

09-02-2023 07:00

In 2020, former US president Donald Trump said that...

A boy shoots his teacher – level 3

16-01-2023 15:00

A six-year-old boy shot a teacher at Richneck Elementary...

New car technology – level 2

11-01-2023 07:00

In the 1980s, the movie “Back to the Future”...

Walrus cancels fireworks – level 2

10-01-2023 07:00

In November, people in France spotted an Arctic walrus...