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Coffee Coca-Cola – level 3

29-01-2021 15:00

Last week, Coca-Cola unveiled Coca-Cola with Coffee and Coca-Cola...

The Oldest Painting – level 1

20-01-2021 07:00

Scientists find a very old painting. It is the...

Earth Orchestra – level 3

10-12-2020 07:00

Is it possible to create a piece of music...

Ferrari Roma – level 3

02-11-2020 07:00

If you have been dreaming of owning a Ferrari,...

A Robotic Hand at Supermarkets – level 3

24-02-2017 07:00

A robotic hand picking fruit in an automated supermarket...

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Wife Carrying Competition – level 3

13-10-2016 15:00

Forty-four couples competed in the 17th annual wife carrying...

Fired Because of Shoes – level 3

20-05-2016 07:00

“I can’t believe it! I’m going to push for...

Fired Because of Shoes – level 2

20-05-2016 07:00

Bosses fired a woman from England for turning up...

Trump art – level 3

01-04-2016 07:00

Republican frontrunner Donald Trump has been portrayed in many...