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A Theme Park Is Changing – level 1

13-11-2020 15:00

A popular theme park is in Hong Kong. Many...

A Theme Park Is Changing – level 2

13-11-2020 15:00

In 2020, a theme park in Hong Kong had...

A Theme Park Is Changing – level 3

13-11-2020 15:00

The coronavirus pandemic has impacted all industries including theme...

Changing Facebook – level 1

17-05-2019 15:00

A co-founder of Facebook writes in a newspaper. He...

Changing Facebook – level 2

17-05-2019 15:00

A co-founder of Facebook wrote in a newspaper that...

Changing Facebook – level 3

17-05-2019 15:00

Chris Hughes was a co-founder of Facebook, and he...

Manchester United in debt – level 2

12-07-2024 07:00

England’s Manchester United had a bad season and lost...

Manchester United in debt – level 3

12-07-2024 07:00

Manchester United had the worst-ever Premier League season and...

Kenya and plastics – level 2

02-07-2024 15:00

Kenya’s Dandora landfill in Nairobi is one of the...

Is globalization ending? – level 1

01-07-2024 15:00

Robert Moritz is an expert on global trade. He...