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Police Help Ducks – level 1

25-09-2024 15:00

Police stop cars on a busy road in Moscow,...

Police Help Ducks – level 2

25-09-2024 15:00

A police car stopped traffic on a busy street...

Police Help Ducks – level 3

25-09-2024 15:00

A Russian police car helped a family of ducks...

Algeria leather craft – level 1

24-09-2024 15:00

Boulachab Nasser lives in the Casbah of Algiers. He...

Algeria leather craft – level 3

24-09-2024 15:00

In the Casbah of Algiers, traditional arts and crafts,...

Digital parenting – level 2

23-09-2024 07:00

Many parents now check their children’s locations and online...

Snakes follow divers – level 1

19-09-2024 15:00

The large olive snakes live in the sea near...

Snakes follow divers – level 2

19-09-2024 15:00

Australian researchers found that the large olive snakes followed...

Snakes follow divers – level 3

19-09-2024 15:00

Researchers from three Australian universities working on the southern...

The Sallie House – level 1

18-09-2024 15:00

In the 1870s, a doctor lives in a small...