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Boat Sinks in Colombia – level 2

30-06-2017 15:00

A cruiser in Colombia sank near Medellin. At least...

Oldest Humans Found – level 3

13-06-2017 15:00

People discovered the earliest human remains in the north-western...

Bomb in Baghdad – level 2

01-06-2017 15:00

A car bomb exploded outside a popular ice cream...

Bomb in Baghdad – level 3

01-06-2017 15:00

A car bomb exploded outside a popular ice cream...

Bomb in Baghdad – level 1

01-06-2017 15:00

It is Ramadan. During this time, Muslims fast. Some...

Victory Day Celebration – level 3

11-05-2017 15:00

Russia marked the surrender of Nazi Germany in WWII...

Victory Day Celebration – level 2

11-05-2017 15:00

Russia celebrated the surrender of Nazi Germany on Tuesday...

Man Moves Again – level 1

20-04-2017 07:00

A man has a cycling accident. He cannot move...

Man Moves Again – level 3

20-04-2017 07:00

Bill Kochevar was paralysed below his shoulders in a...

Man Moves Again – level 2

20-04-2017 07:00

Eight years ago, a man was paralysed below his...