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France Attack – level 2

04-11-2020 15:00

Last week, a man killed three people with a...

France Attack – level 3

04-11-2020 15:00

At least three people were killed during a knife...

1 Million People Die from COVID-19 – level 3

07-10-2020 07:00

COVID-19’s death count has surpassed one million globally, which...

Bangladesh Funeral – level 2

24-04-2020 07:00

Around 100,000 people came to a funeral of a...

People and Healthcare – level 2

08-01-2020 15:00

On Friday, Pope Francis gave his speech on the...

People and Healthcare – level 3

08-01-2020 15:00

Pope Francis says that world governments need to make...

Israeli Prime Minister Charged – level 3

27-11-2019 15:00

The Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, faces charges of...

Graduates Wear Masks – level 3

13-11-2019 15:00

In Hong Kong, university students wore protest masks at...

Elections in Canada – level 3

28-10-2019 07:00

Canadian voters reelected the Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, and...

Canada and Television – level 1

07-10-2019 15:00

Entertainers perform in theaters in the past. They want...