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Baby hippo – level 2

25-05-2015 15:00

At a zoo in California, an eight-week old hippo...

Men fly over Dubai – level 2

20-05-2015 07:00

High up above Dubai, two men jumped out of...

Old bombs in Germany – level 3

13-05-2015 15:00

Seventy years after the end of World War II...

Extreme ironing – level 3

12-05-2015 15:00

Of all the sports in the world, this one...

Extreme ironing – level 2

12-05-2015 15:00

A Brit once came home and found a pile...

Extreme ironing – level 1

12-05-2015 15:00

This news is about a man. He is from...

Yemen is under attack – level 3

11-05-2015 07:00

Fighter jets from the Saudi-led coalition pounding Yemen’s main...

Yemen is under attack – level 2

11-05-2015 07:00

Saudi Arabian fighter jets are attacking airports across Yemen,...

Snowslide hits the Everest base camp – level 1

04-05-2015 15:00

There was an earthquake in Nepal. This earthquake caused...

Amazing meteor shower in China – level 3

04-05-2015 07:00

This beautiful time-lapse footage is the annual Lyrid meteor...