Search Result For lung

No Lungs for 6 Days – level 3

31-01-2017 07:00

Melissa Benoit from Canada was born with cystic fibrosis...

No Lungs for 6 Days – level 1

31-01-2017 07:00

Cystic fibrosis is a very bad disease. It is...

No Lungs for 6 Days – level 2

31-01-2017 07:00

Cystic fibrosis is a serious genetic disease which affects...

Lungs Transplant – level 3

19-10-2016 07:00

Imogen Bolton, a baby girl from Britain, was desperately...

Lungs Transplant – level 2

19-10-2016 07:00

A baby girl from Britain was seriously ill in...

Lungs Transplant – level 1

19-10-2016 07:00

This news is about a little girl. She is...

Skin cancer vaccine – level 2

01-05-2024 07:00

In the UK, scientists are testing a new vaccine...

Skin cancer vaccine – level 3

01-05-2024 07:00

In the UK, a trial for the first personalized...

App finds breast cancer – level 3

06-03-2024 15:00

Two women recently graduated from the Imperial College London...

Angry elephant in India – level 3

13-09-2023 15:00

During a festival in India’s southern Kerala state, an...