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New Webb images – level 2
02-02-2024 07:00
The James Webb Space Telescope took remarkable images of...US hospitals need blood – level 3
12-01-2024 15:00
The American Red Cross has declared a national emergency...Dog meat farmers protest – level 2
05-12-2023 07:00
South Korean dog meat farmers are protesting against government...Walt Disney celebrates 100 years – level 3
06-11-2023 15:00
Walt Disney Studios, on its 100th anniversary, faces concerns...Spain’s Catholic Church says sorry – level 3
03-11-2023 15:00
Spain’s Catholic Church has issued an apology to victims...Spain’s Catholic Church says sorry – level 1
03-11-2023 15:00
Priests of Spain’s Catholic Church hurt many people. They...UAE wind energy project – level 3
11-10-2023 07:00
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) has unveiled its first...Antarctica’s ice is record low – level 3
02-10-2023 07:00
Antarctica’s sea ice has reached record-low levels this winter,...