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US-Mexico Tunnel – level 3

04-02-2020 07:00

US authorities have announced that they found the longest...

Streaming in the US – level 3

21-11-2019 07:00

For the first time ever, more Americans pay for...

Israel’s Prime Minister – level 3

19-04-2019 07:00

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is possibly going to...

Extreme Desert Weather – level 3

12-12-2018 07:00

Heavy rain and hailstorms hit parts of Saudi Arabia...

Tall Buildings in Alexandria – level 3

25-09-2017 15:00

A collapsing 13-storey housing block in Alexandria, Egypt, was...

Skirt of Elizabeth I – level 3

18-01-2017 15:00

For hundreds of years, people used an old piece...

15th-century ship – level 3

18-02-2016 15:00

A piece of history emerged from the deep this...

Baby pygmy hippo – level 3

25-11-2015 15:00

Meet the latest addition to Bristol Zoo. The pygmy...

Cats at G20 – level 3

20-11-2015 15:00

Security is at the forefront of the agenda at...

Beards and moustaches in NY – level 3

12-11-2015 15:00

It’s a hair-raising sight! A parade of bearded and...