Search Result For mount

Man with no legs on a mountain – level 2

07-10-2014 15:00

A 31-year-old man lost both his legs when he...

Man with no legs on a mountain – level 1

07-10-2014 15:00

A boy from China falls from a train. He...

Many weather apps – level 2

17-07-2024 15:00

People have many choices for weather apps. Some apps...

Greeks work six days a week – level 2

08-07-2024 07:00

Greece is starting a six-day work week from July...

New technologies help swimmers – level 1

05-07-2024 07:00

Swimsuits are very important for swimming. Designers make them...

The future of a steak – level 2

04-07-2024 15:00

With a 50% increase in protein demand by 2050,...

EU countries ban phones in schools – level 2

03-07-2024 07:00

A German school is thinking about banning mobile phones...

Kenya and plastics – level 1

02-07-2024 15:00

Kenya’s biggest landfill is called Dandora. It is in...

Justin Timberlake arrested – level 3

21-06-2024 15:00

Popular singer Justin Timberlake was arrested in the Hamptons,...

Scotland after Brexit – level 2

11-06-2024 15:00

The island of Skye in Europe is feeling the...