Search Result For trash

Sheep in Madrid – level 1

02-11-2018 15:00

This first happens 600 years ago. Spain’s leaders let...

Sheep in Madrid – level 3

02-11-2018 15:00

Six hundred years ago, Spain’s monarchy first allowed shepherds...

Plastics in the Black Sea – level 2

20-08-2018 07:00

The Black Sea is located between Eastern Europe and...

Plastic Galapagos Islands – level 1

06-06-2018 07:00

People make a lot of litter. Plastics can be...

The UK’s Latte Levy – level 1

12-01-2018 07:00

People in the UK throw away a lot of...

Blue Dogs in India – level 1

22-08-2017 15:00

This news is from Mumbai, India. There are factories....

Rubbish Cruses a Neighbourhood – level 1

25-04-2017 07:00

In Colombo, Sri Lanka, there is a poor neighbourhood....

Rubbish Cruses a Neighbourhood – level 3

25-04-2017 07:00

In Colombo, Sri Lanka, a massive mound of rubbish...

Rubbish Cruses a Neighbourhood – level 2

25-04-2017 07:00

In Colombo, Sri Lanka, a hill of trash sat...

Bio-bus runs on poo – level 3

27-11-2014 15:00

The UK’s first number two bus is to hit...