Search Result For political group

Australia bans Nazi symbols – level 2

12-06-2023 15:00

Australia is planning to pass a law which would...

Doomsday Clock – level 2

01-02-2023 15:00

In 1947, a group of scientists including Albert Einstein...

International Holocaust Remembrance Day – level 1

01-02-2023 07:00

January 27 is the International Holocaust Remembrance Day. The...

Germany coup plot – level 2

13-12-2022 07:00

On Wednesday, more than 3,000 police officers raided places...

Myanmar amnesty – level 2

24-11-2022 15:00

Last week, Myanmar released almost 6,000 people from prison...

Myanmar amnesty – level 3

24-11-2022 15:00

Last week, Myanmar’s military government released nearly 6,000 prisoners...

Prague protests – level 1

09-09-2022 07:00

Last week, people protest in the center of Prague,...

Chile’s new president – level 3

17-03-2022 07:00

Gabriel Boric is Chile’s youngest president in history, and...

Mass murderer in court again – level 2

21-01-2022 15:00

Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people in Norway in...

First woman becomes Sweden’s Prime Minister – level 2

30-11-2021 07:00

Last week, Sweden’s Finance Minister Magdalena Andersson became the...