Search Result For sentence

Protest in Spain – level 3

01-05-2018 15:00

An estimated 35,000 people took to the streets of...

Chelsea Manning in Politics – level 3

25-01-2018 07:00

Chelsea Manning was an intelligence analyst for the US...

Protests in North India – level 3

30-08-2017 15:00

At least 23 people died in violent protests over...

Ukraine Travel Is Visa-Free – level 2

19-06-2017 07:00

Ukraine joined the European Union’s visa-free travel program. Now...

Ice Library in Russia – level 1

10-02-2017 15:00

In Russia there is the first ice library in...

London Counts Its Animals – level 2

12-01-2017 15:00

The year 2016 is gone. People think about what...

Kung Fu Panda – level 1

07-11-2016 07:00

In China, a man sees a panda. It is...

Animals in Peru – level 3

11-10-2016 15:00

Peruvian authorities rescued around 100 animals, including  puppies, in...

Trial with migrants – level 3

06-07-2016 07:00

A Hungarian court has sentenced 10 migrants up to...

Trial with migrants – level 2

06-07-2016 07:00

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban is against migration...