Search Result For mental

Qatar solar power plant – level 3

24-10-2022 07:00

On Tuesday, Qatar opened a 800-megawatt solar power plant...

Holes in Swiss Cheese – level 3

05-08-2022 15:00

A Swiss agricultural institute made a revelation of why...

Children and Screens – level 3

14-07-2022 15:00

The World Health Organisation issued new guidelines on physical...

Philippines plastic crisis – level 3

30-06-2022 07:00

People are making small sachets from plastic and aluminum...

Too much information can be bad – level 3

15-06-2022 07:00

Celebrity suicides flood social media and the news. While...

A study on autism – level 3

11-04-2022 07:00

For more than 20 years, researchers from Columbia University...

Earth Hour 2022 – level 3

31-03-2022 15:00

Earth Hour is the world’s largest movement to protect...

Microplastics in human blood – level 3

31-03-2022 07:00

For the first time, scientists have found small amounts...

Milk from lab – level 3

18-03-2022 15:00

In the US, 10% – 15% of milk is...

EU countries meet with the Ukraine president – level 3

18-03-2022 07:00

The prime ministers of the Czech Republic, Poland and...