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People in Assam, India – level 3

05-09-2019 07:00

The National Register of Citizens (or the NRC) accounts...

Coca Cola Science – level 3

31-05-2019 15:00

According to a report from the University of Cambridge,...

USA and China Trade Problems – level 3

24-05-2019 07:00

The US and China met to make trade deals,...

Erdogan Losing Support – level 3

13-05-2019 07:00

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been in power...

Deadly Elections – level 3

06-05-2019 07:00

Both presidential and legislative elections took place in Indonesia...

Israel’s Prime Minister – level 2

19-04-2019 07:00

In Israel, people voted. The results are that Israeli...

Homelessness in France – level 3

17-04-2019 15:00

According to the country’s government, homelessness in France increased...

India Destroys Satellite – level 2

02-04-2019 07:00

Last Wednesday, India successfully tested an anti-satellite missile. The...

Sea in Cambodia – level 3

14-03-2019 07:00

Scientists are surveying the ocean floor off of southern...

Sea in Cambodia – level 2

14-03-2019 07:00

In Camboida, Scientists are examining the ocean floor for...