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JFK’s love letter – level 3

15-06-2016 15:00

John F. Kennedy – a president not unfamiliar with...

JFK’s love letter – level 2

15-06-2016 15:00

John F. Kennedy was a president not unfamiliar with...

JFK’s love letter – level 1

15-06-2016 15:00

John F. Kennedy is an American president. He is...

Picture on a wall – level 3

14-06-2016 15:00

The appearance of a 14-foot mural on the side...

Incident at the White House – level 3

27-05-2016 07:00

It’s like a scene from a Hollywood movie. Police...

Egyptian Airlines Flight MS804 – level 3

26-05-2016 15:00

The first look at the recovered wreckage of the...

Russians and Americans – level 3

18-04-2016 15:00

For a brief moment, it seemed like the sailors...

Prime Minister of Iceland – level 3

11-04-2016 07:00

The Icelandic Prime Minister has stepped down, becoming the...

Prime Minister of Iceland – level 2

11-04-2016 07:00

The Panama Papers is a leak of secret information....

Prime Minister of Iceland – level 1

11-04-2016 07:00

The Panama Papers have secret information in them. They...