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Cat eats food for 1,000 dollars – level 3

18-12-2014 07:00

It’s the cat that’s got the cream, if cream...

Cat eats food for 1,000 dollars – level 2

18-12-2014 07:00

This happened at an airport in Russia’s Far East....

Cat eats food for 1,000 dollars – level 1

18-12-2014 07:00

This happens at an airport. The airport is in...

Two Indian women are harassed – level 1

05-12-2014 07:00

Two women are at a bus stop in India....

Sheep under the Eiffel Tower – level 2

01-12-2014 15:00

Since 1993, wolves attacked around 8,000 sheep in France....

Sheep under the Eiffel Tower – level 3

01-12-2014 15:00

Farmers in France have staged an unusual protest by...

New basketball record – level 3

17-11-2014 07:00

This is the awesome moment basketball player Corey “Thunder”...

Chinese anti-drone laser – level 3

10-11-2014 15:00

China claims to have developed a laser cannon that...

Zombies do Zumba – level 3

14-10-2014 15:00

Talk about a monster mash! Almost 200 Zumba dancers...

Yak polo in Pakistan – level 3

02-10-2014 07:00

Despite Broghil Valley being a highly isolated region in...