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Chinese wine – level 2

05-11-2021 15:00

China’s wine market is very big, and it is...

Facebook changes name – level 3

04-11-2021 07:00

In an announcement by Facebook’s CEO Mark Zuckerberg, the...

Babies Learn to Stand – level 3

06-08-2021 15:00

Since 1990, an Icelandic doctor has been teaching young...

A new diabetes test – level 3

20-07-2021 07:00

Australian scientists say that they’ve developed the ’holy grail’...

Child Syrian Artist – level 2

21-06-2021 07:00

A Syrian child held an exhibition for his art....

Child Syrian Artist – level 3

21-06-2021 07:00

Syrian Rayan al-Abed held a solo exhibition for his...

Video Games Look Like Movies – level 2

28-09-2020 15:00

In the past, movies and video games were two...

Spongebob on Netflix – level 2

27-11-2019 07:00

Spongebob Squarepants is an animated TV show which started...

Zuckerberg at Congress – level 3

16-04-2018 15:00

Mark Zuckerberg took two days to testify before members...

Protecting Animals in Australia – level 3

19-07-2017 07:00

The harsh Australian desert has animal graveyards due to...