Search Result For the spread

Thousands of animals stuck on a ship – level 3

07-02-2024 07:00

A ship carrying 16,000 sheep and cows, initially bound...

Free condoms – level 3

15-12-2022 15:00

In an effort to reduce the spread of sexually...

Apple workers protest – level 3

28-11-2022 07:00

In China, hundreds of workers protested at Apple’s main...

New Lego factory in the US – level 3

20-06-2022 07:00

Danish toy production company Lego is investing more than...

Expensive chicken – level 3

08-06-2022 15:00

Chicken is the most consumed meat in the world;...

Monkeypox – level 3

26-05-2022 07:00

The monkeypox outbreak is raising alarm in Europe and...

The Great Replacement Theory – level 3

20-05-2022 15:00

A theory once lived on the dark web; it...

Two years of COVID-19 – level 3

21-12-2021 07:00

It’s been two years since patients in Wuhan, China,...

Car buying problems – level 3

17-11-2021 07:00

If you want a new or used car right...

Paris and COVID pass – level 3

17-09-2021 15:00

Protesters marched in Paris, France, for the 9th straight...