Search Result For scare away

Wild Bears Come to Towns – level 1

25-11-2020 07:00

This year is not easy for wild bears in...

Fugu fish in Crimea – level 3

28-11-2014 15:00

Fishermen in the Crimean city of Sevastopol have turned...

Horses run through London – level 1

29-04-2024 15:00

Something very unusual happens in London last week. Soldiers’...

Fox in a dishwasher – level 2

21-12-2023 15:00

A man in London was getting on with his...

Crane operator saves a man – level 1

28-11-2023 07:00

A big fire happens in Reading, UK. A building...

Leopard on a house – level 2

21-06-2023 15:00

A leopard appeared from the rooftop of a house...

Leopard on a house – level 1

21-06-2023 15:00

Here is news from India. A leopard is on...

Leopard on a house – level 3

21-06-2023 15:00

Panic loomed among the residents of an Indian village...

37 years since Chernobyl disaster – level 1

01-05-2023 15:00

Chernobyl is in Eastern Europe, about 100 kilometers north...

Walrus cancels fireworks – level 1

10-01-2023 07:00

In November, people in France see a walrus in...