Search Result For used

People save a whale in Argentina – level 2

02-08-2016 07:00

In Argentina, a humpback whale beached itself and could...

Anger in France – level 3

18-07-2016 07:00

It is a desperately sad scene now played out...

Pigs are saved – level 3

13-07-2016 07:00

Live-streamed to more than 10 million people, this footage...

Pigs are saved – level 2

13-07-2016 07:00

In east China, Days of heavy rain caused rivers...

21st century Spice Girls – level 3

11-07-2016 15:00

It’s the Spice Girls but not as you know...

Baby warthogs – level 3

08-07-2016 15:00

Frolicking about, these are the adorable new additions to...

Waterspouts in Cuba – level 3

07-07-2016 15:00

A powerful force of nature captured on camera. This...

Waterspouts in Cuba – level 2

07-07-2016 15:00

On Saturday, people saw many waterspouts in southern Cuba....

Trial with migrants – level 3

06-07-2016 07:00

A Hungarian court has sentenced 10 migrants up to...

Gold in cow pee – level 2

05-07-2016 15:00

In India, scientists say that they found traces of...