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Ship in Storm – level 2

16-12-2020 15:00

A Japanese cargo ship was on its way to...

Ship in Storm – level 3

16-12-2020 15:00

The Japanese-flagged cargo ship MV ONE Apus lost more...

Moon Landing – level 3

07-12-2020 15:00

On Tuesday, China’s Chang’e-5 spacecraft successfully landed on the...

Elephant Saved – level 3

24-11-2020 07:00

A female elephant that fell into a farm well...

Too Much Sugar in Bread – level 1

12-10-2020 07:00

Subway is a US restaurant chain. It sells mainly...

Is There Life on Venus? – level 2

25-09-2020 07:00

Scientists discovered something very interesting in the atmosphere of...

Is There Life on Venus? – level 3

25-09-2020 07:00

On Monday, researchers detected evidence that may suggest that...

More California Fires – level 3

01-09-2020 07:00

In California, more than 650 fires burned 2,000 square...

Dangerous Baby Food – level 1

26-08-2020 07:00

A man from the UK does something horrible. The...

President’s Tweets – level 2

08-06-2020 07:00

The US president, Donald Trump, is very active on...