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Feeding babies – level 1

17-02-2023 15:00

When a woman has a baby she can breastfeed...

Problems with bottled water – level 3

03-01-2023 15:00

Bottled water is a convenient product when you need...

What is Web3 – level 2

02-01-2023 15:00

Web3 is a new decentralized Internet. Instead of a...

What is Web3 – level 3

02-01-2023 15:00

Web3 is decentralized Internet. Instead of a few technology...

Fake chocolate – level 2

16-12-2022 07:00

Only a few companies dominate the cacao and chocolate...

Fake chocolate – level 3

16-12-2022 07:00

For thousands of years, chocolate has attracted humans. However,...

Maasai Olympics – level 2

14-12-2022 07:00

On Saturday, hundreds of people competed in Kenya in...

Maasai Olympics – level 3

14-12-2022 07:00

On Saturday, hundreds of people gathered at the foothills...

Emission-free iron – level 3

18-10-2022 07:00

The world uses a lot of steel, and the...

Kenya avocados – level 2

11-10-2022 07:00

Farmers in Kenya started to grow avocados instead of...