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Surveillance blimp goes down – level 1

15-10-2015 07:00

This news is from Kabul. Kabul is the capital...

Boy’s broken neck – level 3

14-10-2015 15:00

Surgeons in Australia have successfully reattached a toddler’s head...

Boy’s broken neck – level 2

14-10-2015 15:00

A 16-months-old Australian boy was in a car crash...

Boy’s broken neck – level 1

14-10-2015 15:00

A boy is in a car crash. He is...

Mummified animals – level 3

07-10-2015 07:00

The Ancient Egyptian practice of mummification led to dead...

Mother gets a different baby – level 3

22-09-2015 15:00

The months-long saga of two babies switched shortly after...

News about the Colorado shooting – level 3

18-09-2015 15:00

New photos have emerged which were taken at the...

Man “walks” again – level 2

16-09-2015 07:00

A man fell from a second-storey window and the...

Russian Apple Watch – level 3

13-08-2015 15:00

A Russian-owned luxury jewellery brand has launched the ultimate...

Boy has new hands – level 3

04-08-2015 15:00

An eight-year-old boy in America has become the youngest...