Search Result For policy

Transgender People in Army – level 3

22-05-2020 15:00

The US Navy has granted an exception to allow...

Ventilator Deal – level 3

22-04-2020 07:00

Years ago, a Dutch company reportedly promised the US...

Germany Shooting – level 2

25-02-2020 07:00

On Wednesday, a man attacked two bars in Hanau,...

US Peace Plan – level 3

10-02-2020 07:00

The EU has rejected the Trump Administration’s new plan...

Brazilian Migrants – level 3

05-02-2020 07:00

The US administration expanded the program that requires migrants...

Instagram Rules – level 3

12-12-2019 07:00

Instagram now requires all new users to provide their...

Inactive Twitter Accounts – level 2

04-12-2019 15:00

Twitter had a plan to delete inactive accounts that...

Inactive Twitter Accounts – level 3

04-12-2019 15:00

Twitter announced that it will start to remove inactive...

Government in Italy – level 3

02-09-2019 07:00

The League party, led by Interior Minister Matteo Salvini,...

Americans and Cuba – level 1

17-06-2019 15:00

Americans cannot simply travel to Cuba. There are only...