Search Result For joy

Alternative schools – level 1

29-03-2023 07:00

Alternative schools are schools where students learn differently. In...

Alternative schools – level 2

29-03-2023 07:00

In many schools, teachers are still teaching traditionally. They...

Alternative schools – level 3

29-03-2023 07:00

Despite the negative connotation, modern alternative schools offer various...

Dirty Rio waters – level 1

22-02-2023 07:00

Guanabara Bay is in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Many...

Copenhagen Light Festival – level 2

10-02-2023 15:00

On February 3, 2023, the fifth Copenhagen Light Festival...

A dangerous pill – level 3

03-02-2023 07:00

A slimming pill killed at least 33 people in...

Dubai luxury hotel – level 3

30-01-2023 07:00

In November 2008, Dubai’s first Atlantis hotel opened with...

French city wants Madonna’s painting – level 1

24-01-2023 07:00

The mayor of Amiens, France, makes a video. In...

French city wants Madonna’s painting – level 3

24-01-2023 07:00

The mayor of Amiens, France, appealed to the singer...

Singapore anime festival – level 2

02-12-2022 15:00

Last weekend, the Anime Festival Asia happened in Singapore....