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The world’s largest dam – level 3

05-07-2021 07:00

The giant Baihetan hydropower plant in China opens for...

Karate Kick – level 3

27-05-2021 15:00

A pensioner stopped a jewellery thief in his way...

Karate Kick – level 2

27-05-2021 15:00

A pensioner stopped a jewellery thief in his way....

Albania election – level 3

03-05-2021 15:00

About 3.6 million eligible voters in Albania and abroad...

Big Ship Blocks the Suez Canal – level 3

30-03-2021 07:00

Last week, the Ever Given, a Panama-flagged 224,000-ton ship...

Pirates Attack Ships – level 3

02-02-2021 07:00

Piracy in West Africa’s Gulf of Guinea has been...

Indonesia Plane Crash – level 3

15-01-2021 15:00

An Indonesia airline Boeing 737 500 crashed into the...

Turkey Earthquake – level 3

09-11-2020 15:00

Last week, an earthquake of an estimated magnitude of...

Is There Life on Venus? – level 3

25-09-2020 07:00

On Monday, researchers detected evidence that may suggest that...

Beirut Explosion – level 3

07-08-2020 07:00

A large blast shook Lebanon’s capital Beirut, causing widespread...