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New President of the Philippines – level 2

23-05-2016 15:00

Rodrigo Duterte won the presidential election in the Philippines....

New President of the Philippines – level 1

23-05-2016 15:00

This news is from the Philippines. Rodrigo Duterte wins...

London’s Muslim Mayor – level 3

18-05-2016 15:00

The moment Sadiq Khan steps forward for his first...

London’s Muslim Mayor – level 2

18-05-2016 15:00

In London, people elected the new mayor, who is...

London’s Muslim Mayor – level 1

18-05-2016 15:00

London has a new mayor. He is a son...

Breivik at court – level 3

21-03-2016 07:00

Mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik raises his right arm...

Dangerous dentist – level 3

18-03-2016 07:00

This is the dentist French media are calling “the...

Hate crime in Australia – level 2

09-12-2015 07:00

In Sydney, Australia, two men attacked another man outside...

Hate crime in Australia – level 3

09-12-2015 07:00

This CCTV footage shows the attempted murder of an...

News about the Colorado shooting – level 3

18-09-2015 15:00

New photos have emerged which were taken at the...