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People swim in icy river – level 3

04-01-2022 07:00

Hundreds of hardy swimmers braved the freezing waters of...

Beard Olympics – level 3

02-11-2021 07:00

Mustaches and beards of all sizes and shapes were...

Spain’s ugliest tomato – level 2

23-09-2021 15:00

Farmers in Spain competed to win the ’ugliest tomato’...

Spain’s ugliest tomato – level 3

23-09-2021 15:00

Dozens of farmers competed in the annual ’ugliest tomato’...

Eurovision Song Contest – level 2

26-05-2021 07:00

The Eurovision Song Contest is an international song competition...

Eurovision Song Contest – level 3

26-05-2021 07:00

Known for its kitsch pop music and flamboyant costumes,...

The first Olympic Games – level 3

09-04-2021 15:00

Tuesday, April 6, 2021, marks the 125th anniversary of...

Beer Yoga – level 3

01-02-2021 07:00

A brewery in Cambodia is combining exercise with alcohol...

Vaccine Volunteers – level 3

01-10-2020 07:00

Bonnie Blue is Chicago, USA’s first COVID-19 vaccine participant...

Drug for COVID-19 Patients – level 3

15-05-2020 15:00

A new study conducted by researchers at the University...