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Horsemeat helicopter – level 3

26-07-2023 15:00

In Kumertau, Russia, the main industrial hub is a...

Special Statue in Manchester – level 1

03-05-2023 15:00

Something unusual happens at the Manchester Museum. An Egyptian...

Special Statue in Manchester – level 2

03-05-2023 15:00

Curators at the Manchester Museum noticed something weird. A...

Dark Side of the Moon – level 3

11-10-2022 15:00

Observers on Earth can only see one side of...

Pictures of the Earth – level 2

22-08-2022 15:00

NASA launched a new website. It features colour images...

Pictures of the Earth – level 3

22-08-2022 15:00

NASA launched a new website featuring images of the...

Pictures of the Earth – level 1

22-08-2022 15:00

NASA launches a new website. There are colour images...

Strongest Robot in the World – level 3

01-07-2022 15:00

The robot code-named M-2000IA/1700L broke the world record of...

Car Jumps and Rolls – level 1

11-08-2021 15:00

A stunt driver set a Guinness World Record. He...

India cyclone – level 1

21-05-2021 15:00

A cyclone is a big storm. It starts over...