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Road accident in France – level 3

30-10-2015 07:00

Forty-two people, mostly elderly, have died when a bus...

Road accident in France – level 2

30-10-2015 07:00

Road deaths in France are much lower than they...

Israeli yacht saves migrants – level 3

27-10-2015 07:00

This is the moment an Israeli yacht saved migrants...

Husband and wife become saints – level 2

23-10-2015 07:00

A husband and wife became saints on the same...

Daniel Craig visits Cyprus – level 3

20-10-2015 15:00

In true James Bond style, actor Daniel Craig dropped...

Bombings in Turkey – level 3

16-10-2015 15:00

Thousands of people have taken part in protests in...

Bombings in Turkey – level 2

16-10-2015 15:00

Two explosions in Turkey’s capital, Ankara, killed at least...

Boy’s broken neck – level 3

14-10-2015 15:00

Surgeons in Australia have successfully reattached a toddler’s head...

Corals get white – level 3

14-10-2015 07:00

Coral reefs are suffering a severe underwater heatwave this...

Wooly mammoth in Michigan – level 2

08-10-2015 07:00

A farmer from Michigan was digging in his soy...