Search Result For social distancing

Tragic Korean Halloween festival – level 3

03-11-2022 07:00

In Seoul, South Korea, a Halloween stampede killed at...

Winter worries doctors – level 3

02-11-2022 15:00

Health officials are getting worried about the so-called “triple-demic”;...

Fortune tellers work online – level 3

21-04-2022 15:00

Astrology and forms of divination such as palm reading,...

A robot works with food – level 3

24-03-2022 07:00

A Japanese robot company introduced an automated system with...

Protests in Brazil – level 3

07-06-2021 15:00

Tens of thousands of protesters in over 200 of...

Blue forest – level 3

In a

normal year, up to 100,000 people flock to the...

100 Years of the Word Robot – level 3

03-02-2021 07:00

The word ’robot’ was first used in a Czech-language...

1 Million People Die from COVID-19 – level 3

07-10-2020 07:00

COVID-19’s death count has surpassed one million globally, which...

London Protest – level 3

02-10-2020 07:00

Violence broke out when police shut down a demonstration...

People Protest against Masks – level 3

23-09-2020 15:00

A group of anti-mask protesters marched through a store...