Search Result For specialist

Alabama court and IVF – level 1

01-03-2024 07:00

A court in Alabama, US, says that frozen embryos...

Reasons for yellow US school buses – level 3

14-02-2024 15:00

Have you wondered why US school buses are yellow?...

US hospitals need blood – level 3

12-01-2024 15:00

The American Red Cross has declared a national emergency...

A man is safe after 12 days in a cave – level 3

15-09-2023 07:00

In a challenging international rescue operation, 40-year-old experienced caver...

Australia finds a WW2 ship – level 1

25-04-2023 15:00

Australia finds a ship in the ocean. The ship...

Australia finds a WW2 ship – level 3

25-04-2023 15:00

On Saturday, Australia’s Defence Minister Richard Marles announced that...

Turkey and Syria earthquake – level 3

09-02-2023 07:00

Early Monday morning, a powerful 7.8 magnitude earthquake hit...

Awesome Video of the Sun – level 3

19-09-2022 15:00

The American Space Agency’s Solar Dynamic Observatory snaps a...

An app can detect COVID-19 – level 3

19-04-2021 07:00

Specialists realized that there was a connection between COVID-19,...

Tennis Players Must Stay in Hotel Rooms – level 2

25-01-2021 15:00

The two-week tennis tournament, the Australian Open, is starting...